Effortless Git Automation: Create and Upload Repositories to GitHub Using Bash Scripts

Effortless Git Automation: Create and Upload Repositories to GitHub Using Bash Scripts

For Ubuntu (Linux) and Mac Os X


In today's fast-paced development environment, automation is essential for streamlining workflows and improving productivity. As developers and SEO professionals, managing multiple GitHub repositories can be time-consuming. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of automating the creation and uploading of Git repositories to GitHub using Bash scripts on both Ubuntu and macOS systems. With this automation, you can effortlessly manage your repositories and focus on more important tasks.

1. Prerequisites

Before we begin, ensure you have the following:

  • An Ubuntu or macOS system

  • A GitHub account

  • Basic understanding of Git and GitHub

2. Installation and Configuration:

To automate the repository creation and uploading process, we'll need Git and the GitHub CLI (gh) installed on your system.

2.1. Installing Git:

  • Ubuntu: Install Git using the following command:

      sudo apt-get install git
  • macOS: Install Git using Homebrew (brew.sh) or download it from the official website (git-scm.com/download/mac).

2.2. Installing GitHub CLI:

2.3. Authenticating with GitHub CLI:

After installing the GitHub CLI, authenticate with your GitHub account using the following command:

gh auth login

3. The Automation Script:

Create a Bash script called create_and_upload_repos.sh with the following content:


cd "$projects_directory"

for project in *; do
  if [ -d "$project" ]; then
    echo "Processing $project..."
    cd "$project"

    # Create a .gitignore file if it does not exist and add node_modules to it
    if [ ! -f ".gitignore" ]; then
      echo "node_modules/" > .gitignore
    elif ! grep -q "node_modules/" ".gitignore"; then
      echo "node_modules/" >> .gitignore

# Add common entries to .gitignore
    entries=("node_modules/" ".DS_Store" ".env" "build/" "dist/")
    for entry in "${entries[@]}"; do
      if ! grep -q "^${entry}$" ".gitignore"; then
        echo "$entry" >> .gitignore

    # Initialize a new Git repository
    git init

    # Stage and commit all files
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit"

    # Create a new GitHub repository
    gh repo create "$project" --private -y

    # Push the project to the newly created GitHub repository
    git push --set-upstream origin master

    cd ..

Replace /path/to/your/project/templates with the actual path to the folder containing your project templates.

4. Using the Script on Ubuntu and macOS:

Follow these steps to use the script on both Ubuntu and macOS systems:

4.1 Make the script executable:

chmod +x create_and_upload_repos.sh

4.2 Run the script:


5. Conclusion

The script will go through each folder in the specified directory, create a .gitignore file (if needed), initialize a new Git repository, commit

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